
Happy First Birthday Charlie! An Airplane Birthday Party

You hear it all the time: "My how time flies when you become a parent!" and "don't blink! It goes by too fast!" This past year I have found myself continuously echoing those very same sentiments as we've watched our baby boy turn into a curious, mobile, and sweet one year old.

Watching Charlie grow, learn, and become his own little person makes my heart swell with pride and love; however it is also met with a tinge of sadness knowing that with each new development we celebrate, he gets further from the itty bitty little dark haired boy we brought home from the hospital on a crisp November night.

And that's how a "time flies" first birthday party came to be to celebrate our sweet baby boy's first year. A year full of adventure. Happy Birthday to our precious, curious, and loving little Charlie Bear!

This was such a fun party to plan and celebrate. Below are some photos from Charlie's special day with family and friends. It will certainly be a day we will always cherish and remember!

keep in touch!



Happy Thanksgiving!

One year ago, we packed up the car and drove 4 hours to North Carolina with our brand new, 4-week old little boy to celebrate Thanksgiving with family. We were sleep deprived but deliriously happy. We proudly introduced our little brown haired newborn to our extended family and several friends. It was a time I will always remember.

One year later, I am so thankful for this little boy and his daddy. Thankful I get to be a mama and wife to my two guys. Thankful for the hard days, the sleepy cuddles, the play time laughs. Thankful that I get to watch the love of my life be the best daddy to our little Charlie. Thankful that out of all the people in world, God chose us to be his mama and daddy.

Happy Thanksgiving, friends. I hope that wherever you are, you'll take a moment to think about the things that flood your heart with gratitude and joy.

Now, I'm off to eat too much turkey and pumpkin pie. It is Thanksgiving after all! :)

keep in touch!


Happy Birthday, Charlie!


One year full of so many firsts. The first time we brought you home, the first time you slept through the night. Your first smile, first laugh, first tooth, and first haircut (and second, and third...).

A year of smiling, laughing, crying, and staring at you in amazement. A year of peekaboo games, bedtime stories, goodnight kisses, and big bear hugs. A year of seeing the world in a new way through your eyes.
keep in touch!